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Grants are often handed out to social sporting clubs in an attempt to improve overall facilities across all sports nationwide, giving participants the opportunity to nurture and grow in an atmosphere where their sport will best develop.

Grants are often handed out after a long, tiring application process in which many organisations are competing against each other.

If you are applying for a grant, the organisations you are competing against are all going through the same due process, so in order to increase your chances of gaining a grant, you need to find a way to stand out and show why the money would be better suited to your organisation than anyone else.

Below, we will provide advice on the entire process of gaining a grant, and how your application will stand out in front of the selectors.

Preparation is the key to success when it comes to gaining any grant. If you aren’t prepared for every potential scenario, then you run the risk of being backed into a corner, which doesn't look good from any selector's point of view.

Apply as early as possible, this shows that you have been looking into grants and provides evidence of your thorough interest.

Read the criteria thoroughly before you apply, so once you have applied, you know what you need to work on, and can get a head start on the rest of your competition.

Once your preparation is finalised, you need to start planning. Establish your timeline once the application has been submitted, and delegate jobs to everybody that can work on the project.

Grant selectors will often ask you for other groups of people (Clubs, individuals, etc.) that will benefit from the project. In order to increase your chances, find a large number of different groups around the community that will benefit, and ask them to endorse your project.

Make sure everything is accurate, including your application, financial records, and supporting documents. Grant selectors often let you work on the project over multiple meetings, so let them provide advice so your project can be as thorough as possible.

I'm sure all of your teachers told you to look over your work once it was completed. This is vital when it comes to submitting your grant project. The selectors need to know 100% that your project deserves the money they are offering, so trust me when I say go over your work.

Once you have gone over everything, it is time to submit your project. Make sure it is submitted on time, as late submissions are often either looked down upon or rejected completely.

Once that is all finalised, good luck, and may your organisation get that much-needed grant!

Make sure to read the articles below for further advice on how to get your grant over the line.

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